Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

Numéro : B-21 - Year : 1910

Bulletin de l'Association Technique Maritime. Numéro 21. Session de 1910

295 - Notes on combustion in fuel boilers

296 - Notes on the tests of the destroyer Tirailleur

297 - Report on a trip of studies in Germany, mid-August, September 1909

298 - On the principles used in the calculations of riveting

299 - The launch of the Danton

300 - About the reduction of roll on swell

301 - Practical rational formulas for the calculation of air and marine propellers

302 - Contribution to the study of the influence of water depth on the power needed for different speeds of a given ship

303 - New features for the use of lampants oils in explosion engines

304 - Study of the movements of lapping

305 - New formulas for the calculation of the ship propellers

306 - Notes on the condensation. Rotary pumps for capacitors

307 - About elastic resistance of crank-shafts

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