Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2579 - Year : 2009

About fishing vessels,



Symposium on the marine pollution regulations until 2012

The aim of this presentation is to evaluate the energy question about fishing vessels. The consumed power aboard fishing vessels (which is either mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or thermal) impacts directly their exploitation mode (time to go, fishing areas, fishing capacities, autonomy) and then cut drastically their cost benefits and so their environment label.

Today fishing fleets are in front of different true alternatives

The mean age of the fishing vessels is over twenty years old. The energy consumption, its cost and its impact on environment force skippers and owners to wonder about technical and financial means to be considered in order to survive, and if possible to grow up.

The energy diagnostics are a necessary preliminary condition before fishing vessels modernization. BUREAU MAURIC and COFREPECHE will present some results and interesting conclusions about these studies. New concepts are also introduced to the profession in order to develop quickly new vessel types, dedicated to trawling activities. These new ideas would allow the young skippers to plan the future with more assets. BUREAU MAURIC will give the preliminary main features.

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