Numéro : 2571 - Year : 2009
Strake in the marine fuels
Symposium on the marine pollution regulations until 2012
Maritime transportation remains en indispensable link of worldwide economy. With close to 50 000 vessels sailing worldwide for7 billion tons of merchandises carries every year, this economical sector is in perpetual growth. Accordingly to such growing, air emissions regarding CO2, SOx and NOx are increasing annually between 3% and 4% for the 10th coming years.
As a consequence, international legislations and organisms such as the European Union and the International Maritime Organisation commit to limit the environmental impact of such growth.
Year 2010 will initiate a major turning point with entering into force of new regulations limiting and decreasing whole air emissions from the shipping.
These new regulations focussing on reducing the environmental impact of vessels will be spread out until year 2020-2025. These international standards criteria directly impact on bunker market and engender modifications and technological challenges that shipowners and operators should take up during the coming years.
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