Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2568 - Year : 2009

Hydrogen energy: a new opportunity for marine and inland navigation applications

Frédéric MESLIN, Mission Hydrogène
Laurent BARANGER, Mission Hydrogène


Symposium on the marine pollution regulations until 2012

The fossil energy resources decrease, the price of crude oil brutally increase with a high impact of local economy, the development of the carbon economy..., a lot of parameters that invites us to develop alternative energetic solutions and improve energy system efficiency.

Marine and fluvial applications often need high power system and large autonomy. Thus, these applications are more or less tie to the fossil energy resources. However, for specific marine applications it is possible to use hydrogen fuel cell system. After a short presentation of what is hydrogen fuel cell system, we will show the benefit of this technology for boat. We will finish by a benchmark of hydrogen boat projects.

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