Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2493 - Year : 2007

Stability calculation software on board of navy ships based on Diodore software

Nicolas COUTY, PRINCIPIA R.D. – Nantes (France)
Alain GUERRIER, PRINCIPIA R.D. – Nantes (France)
Bruno LECUYER, PRINCIPIA R.D. – Nantes (France)
Alain LEDOUX, PRINCIPIA R.D. – Nantes (France)
Christian BERHAULT, PRINCIPIA R.D. – Nantes (France)


Between 2003 and 2007, PRINCIPIA R.D. and its subcontractor ARCK Electronique have developed, make work and delivered two stability software on ships board.

These software are composed of two modulus : a calculation modulus and a communication modulus, in charge of making the link between the calculation modulus and the ship network in term of entry data and results.

The functionalities can be divided into two main categories : the output of stability results linked to the current state of load (real time modulus) and output of simulated stability results (simulation modulus), that’s to say corresponding to any states of load defined par the operator. This last functionality can prove to be useful particularly to help the crew to elaborate a strategy of righting of the ship after damage.

Two types of calculation of the current stability have been implemented : a treatment based on the measure of the ship’s movements, and a numerical calculation supported by the pre-processor of the hydrodynamic software DIODORE developed by PRINCIPIA R.D.

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