Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2482 - Year : 2006

Very large container ships: new challenges

Mireille FRANCO, Bureau Veritas - Division Marine – Paris (France)
Martin NIEUWENHUIJS, Bureau Veritas - Division Marine – Paris (France)


The development of new VLCC (Very Large Container Carriers, ships until 10000 boxes) and the increasing interest for ULCC (units with more than 10000 TEU) are justified by the quick absorption by the market f this new load volume and by the fact that ships are always full loaded. Also studies show that it is possible to reduce TEU cost by building larger ships.

If ships of 10000 TEU are actually under building, units of 12000/13000 TEU are proposed to owners by Korean shipyards and studies of larger capacity are yet planned.

Various points have to be considered: midship section scantling, hull girder bending, torsion, vibrations, …. without forgetting harbors constraints concerning draught which can be a very restrictive condition.

A study in 2001 ordered by Bureau Veritas to Knud E. Hansen led to very interesting conclusions to solve the structural and propulsion problems for a container ship of 12500 TEU. Since, numerous other studies have been performed. The evolution of the criteria and of the results versus the 2002 Very Large Container Ship situation is the basis of this paper where particular conclusions are presented.

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