Numéro : 2359 - Year : 2000
Terra nova project
Loïc des DESERTS, DORIS Engineering - Paris
The present paper describes the FPSO (Floating Production Storage & Offloading) that, in the near future, will be installed on Terra Nova, an oil field located offshore the coast of Newfoundland, and which will be used as the main production facility. It must be pointed out that this ship has the unique feature of being disconnectable from its mooring in a very quick fashion in order to avoid any possible impact from the largest drifting icebergs present in this area.
The fabrication works of the ship are well advanced as the hull is achieved and is now being fitted with the production equipment and shall be installed on its final site at the end the first quarter of 2001. The works done have confirmed the interest of the solution retained, as the total investment expenditure is much smaller that this of an equivalent fixed structure which would have to resist the impact of the largest possible drifting iceberg.
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