Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2320 - Year : 1999

A propos d'approximations et d'incertitudes du calcul des chargements de houle sur les structures de navires

M. Alain CARIOU, Institut de Recherches de la Construction Navale (I.R.C.N.)
M. Fabrice JANCART, Institut de Recherches de la Construction Navale (I.R.C.N.)


Within the framework of an uncertainty assessment method for ship's structures calculations, IRCN performed a preliminary evaluation and analysis of the orders of magnitudes of the approximations made in the estimation of hydrodynamic loads. An outcome was the detection of large discrepancies between different levels of approximation commonly used in naval architecture, especially concerning the sealoads. The object of this paper is to make professionals informed of these results and of the questions arised from, particularly for innovative ships.

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