Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2768 - Year : 2021

Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier wastewater survey within the scope of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic

Mickaël BONI, Olivier GORGÉ, Chloé LEMOIGNE - Institut de recherche biomédicale des armées - Brétigny-sur-Orge (France)

Pierre LOBET - Porte-avions Charles de Gaulle, Marine nationale

Morgane LEVERT, Laurent MOULIN, Sébastien WURTZER -Eau de Paris, Département de recherche, développement et qualité de l’eau - Ivry-sur-Seine (France)

Jean-Ulrich MULLOT, Manon CHANTRE - Laboratoire d’analyse, de surveillance et d’expertise de la Marine - Toulon (France)

Frédéric JANVIER - Hôpital d’instruction des armées, Sainte-Anne - Toulon (France)

Jean-Marc QUENEZ - SSF, Marine nationale

Yvon MADAY - e-LTER Zone Atelier Seine, Sorbonne Université, CNRS, EPHE, UMR 7619 Metis - Paris (France)

Jean-Marie MOUCHEL - Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions (LJLL), Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Université de Paris - Paris (France)

Vincent MARÉCHAL - Inserm, Centre de recherche Saint-Antoine, Sorbonne Université - Paris (France)

OBEPINE - Réseau Obépine ;

 Following the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic of 2020, the nuclear aircraft carrier Charles De Gaulle has set up a molecular biology laboratory to protect itself from a further spread of the COVID-19.The research results carried out by the OBEPINE network (epidemiological observatory of wastewater analysis) consisting in tracking viruses by wastewater analysis and already applied to certain cities in France was transposed to PAN CDG thanks to technical assistance from IRBA, LASEM and Eau de Paris. Funded by the SSF and deployed in record time on the nuclear aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle to allow viruses presence tracking in black waters, it enabled the nuclear aircraft carrier Charles De Gaulle to be fully autonomous in advanced environmental monitoring.The daily results provided by the laboratory, piloted by the security group of the nuclear aircraft carrier Charles De Gaulle, thus made it possible to provide a complementary analysis to medical analysis of the aircraft carrier epidemiological situation. The analysis was shared daily with the IRBA and LASEM located in the Toulon naval base.

This innovative tool can very easily be redirected towards the search for any other pathogenic agent in black water, or even in the long term, make it possible to ensure health surveillance of a military base, at sea or on land, in metropolitan France or on a base overseas.


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