Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2789 - Year : 2023

CAP 2050: a global energy transition model to assess zero and low-Co2 emission pathways for the maritime sector

Jean-François SIGRIST, Erwan JACQUIN, MEET 2050 (Maritime Eco-Energetical Toward 2050),  Nantes, France

The present paper deals with the development of a global model geared toward the maritime sector to define energy transition scenarios and pathways. Grounded on the description of a ‘large scale’ fleet (i.e. national/multi-national and international), the model encompasses various parameters that describes the leverage options to tackle energy transition, in particular: evolution of the energy mix, integration of new technologies, optimisation of maritime operations. The model yields the CO2 emissions and energy consumption pathways and produces meaningful data to compare various options/strategies and estimate the in terms of resources (energy and finance).


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