Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2262 - Year : 1995

Modelling of dynamical behaviour of trawls

J.-S. BESSONNEAU, Ecole Centrale de Nantes


This study consists in proposing a formulation of submerged supple net's dynamic behaviour with the help of a numerical method of reticulate surface static.

It's a complex problem of ':!1uid-structure" interaction. We come down to a differential and non-linear system resolution. Temporal derivative's operators are approximated by finite differences' schemes. Then, equations are solved by a decoupling method between net ting yarns' tensions and nodes' coordinates. First, we will restrict our study to simple net geometries. Nevertheless, the method's interest is its great ability to adapt to varied net shapes.

Finally, a few results are presented about net shapes in variable stream direction. We also show the net's behaviour which head network junction points follow an imposed trajectory.

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