Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2239 - Year : 1994

Integrity monitoring in avionics navigation systems

P. DEBANNE, UR&D Navigation Aéronautique et Terrestre, SAGEM
I.NIKIFOROV, UR&D Navigation Aéronautique et Terrestre, SAGEM


After a phase where accuracy improvement was the goal to achieve, the combat aircraft

navigation systems have now entered a new era : that of the quest for integrity.

Integrity monitoring is a threefold problem : fault detection, fault type identification (isolation) and navigation system reconfiguration, so that the mission can be compelled.

The principle of navigation system integrity monitoring is based on redundancy of data supplied by independent sensors (INU. bar0:1ltimctcr, GPS, radar, etc.),

It is the intent of this paper to approach this problem from a statistical point of view, and to give an optimal detection and isolation algorithm based on minimization of a total cost function, The application of these principles to a combat aircraft navigation system (INS. GPS) illustrates how the integrity function is fulfilled.

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