Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

Numéro : 2232 - Year : 1994

Light anchor mooring line modelling

J. R. GIVRI, Groupe de Physique-Environnement CAMPUS de Beaulieu -Université de Rennes I Ecole Navale de Brest
G. ROYER, Groupe de Physique-Environnement CAMPUS de Beaulieu -Université de Rennes I Ecole Navale de Brest
E.A. DECAMPS, Groupe de Physique-Environnement CAMPUS de Beaulieu -Université de Rennes I Ecole Navale de Brest


Composite mooring lines, including chains and polyester ropes, and limked to light anchors are studied by modelling with respect to the continuum medium mechanics theory. The modelling under consideration is including the analysis of static and dynamic behaviours, taking into account the external actions, the kind of bottom and the quality of the anchorage. The method under consideration is also taking into account the variationnal approach which generalizes the previous studies. Because of its strong non-linearity, the problem cannot be solved by analytical methods but rather with the finite element method, which can retrieve both the mooring line shape and mechanical stresses. More particularly, the determination of the mechanical stress within the mooring line at the point of contact with the bottom is studied, making the hypothesis where both are tangent at the point under consideration. Numerical simulations results are presented for various cases of light anchors mooring lines.

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