Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2222 - Year : 1993

Modularity applied to the propulsive systems of surface ships technical and economic considerations

F. JOUANJEAN, Ingénieur en Chef de l'Armement,Chef du département systèmes, Direction des Constructions Navales INDRET, La Montagne


The construction of surface ships using profited block hulls enables designers of propulsion systems to define modules which are manufactured, equipped and tested in the workshop before being installed into the blocks. This, in turn, results in major improvements to productivity while guaranteeing high quality, optimising industrial management and increasing competitively for basic modules.

The modular concept must be taken into consideration by naval architects when drawing up the draft project in order to provide for the introduction, assembly and connection...of modules of a size and weight that are, of necessity, compatible with the industrial resources of the shipyards likely to be given the tender for the construction of the ship.

There can be a time-saving of as much as 25% compared to the time required using conventional shipbuilding methods. However, the in-shop assembly of modules requires early delivery of certain supplies compared to traditional shipbuilding schedules and this generates increased overheads. In the case of a 3 500 tonnes frigate, these costs are marginal ( < 1,5 % ) compared to the savings obtained at various stages of the project.

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