Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2219 - Year : 1993

PACHYDERME: the automatic identification applied to submarines manoeuvrability

C. CAUX, Bassin d'Essais des Carènes de Paris
A. LE POURHIET, Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches de Toulouse (CERT -DERA ONERA)


Computer simulation, which is a powerful tool to understand ship motions, is based on the reliability of the model. This implies a good knowledge of hydrodynamic coefficients. In order to improve such a knowledge, CERTSM under DCN support realized a free running model able to measure numerous motion parameters. PACHYDERME software has been developed by CERT- DERA under STCAN support and is intended to perform identification with automatic and user-friendly computer facilities.

This communication deals with the two parts of PACHYDERME: cinematic coherence for measurements verification and parametric identification. It describes also, the main results of the software applied to computer simulations and real trials of the free running model.

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