Numéro : 2639 - Year : 2013
Evaluation of the non linear effects on design bending moment: comparison of the design wave and design sea state approaches
Guillaume de HAUTECLOCQUE, BUREAU VERITAS – Division Marine
Quentin DERBANNE, BUREAU VERITAS – Division Marine
On the higher sea states, non linear effects are responsible for a significant asymmetry between the hogging and sagging bending moments. In order to evaluate the extreme bending moments used in ship design, non linear effects are to be properly evaluated. This requires very long non linear simulations with a heavy CPU time. To reduce the computation time, the irregular sea state is often simplified to a unique design wave. What is the impact of this simplification on the non linear effects? Several approaches are compared on a large database of about 60 vessels. Results are compared to the IACS formulation for design bending moment, and a new formulation is proposed.
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