Numéro : 2208 - Year : 1993
SAFENAV, a ship behaviour monitoring system
D. BEGHIN, Direction Branche Marine, BUREAU VERITAS, Paris La Défense
J.-C. LE HIRE, Direction Branche Marine, BUREAU VERITAS, Paris La Défense
SAFENAV is an on-board system designed by BUREAU VERIT AS in order to provide the deck officers with real time information concerning the stresses and the movements of the ship at sea ; the data are recorded in order to be processed within the frame of research and development actions.
Two systems are now in service, one on a car-ferry where slamming and shocks at the bow are monitored, and the other on a containership, dealing with the torsional and bending stresses of the hull girder .
The paper presents the system and an evaluation of the experience gained ; an application to the bulk carriers is proposed, which will provide real time information during the loading operations.
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