Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2200 - Year : 1992

Evolution of the AGNES 200 structure: program presentation, first results

Y.-P. PICART, Service Technique des Constructions et Armes Navales (STCAN) Groupe Matériaux Structures Navales (MSN)


The design of Surface Effect Ships presents special problems due to the need to optimise structural weight in order to maintain lifting capabilities. In addition, this type of catamaran structure poses unknown problems that are not optimally resolved by classical scantling methods.

Specific tools have been developed for the Groupe Matériaux et Structures Navals in order to obtain strain measurements of such vehicles at sea and for the reduction of the resulting large volumes of data.

The testing programme was conceived to permit a parametric analysis of the different excitation sources of the structure ( speed, wave height, heading with respect to waves) and for which strains are considered to be the response.

The first results corroborate the preliminary ideas which guided the STCAN in the design of the first 200 tons french Surface Effect Ship.

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