Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2198 - Year : 1992

A three dimensional structural analysis of a large wave piercing catamaran design

J.-A. MORRIS, Ch. Engineer, Principal Surveyor in Charge of Class Computational Group –Ship division, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London


Lloyd's Register has carried out a 3D FEM structural analysis of the entire hulls and superstructure of a large aluminium alloy wave piercing catamaran. The objectives of the analysis were to study the structural responses in terms of deflection and stress distribution under loading patterns which are representative of those which could be expected in service. Quasi-dynamic analysis was used to identify the field and concentrated stresses within suitable global and local structural models, and modal analysis was also used to identify fundamental natural frequencies of the structure. The fatigue endurance of aluminium alloy connections was also provisionally considered. The purpose of this paper is to present the generalised conclusions for wider interest, it being acknowledged that no corroborative service experience is available for vessels of this size and type. Since the major part of the analysis results takes the form of coloured stress contour computer plots which are not suitable for inclusion in the body of the paper, these plots will form the basis of the conference presentation.

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