Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2195 - Year : 1992

High performances propulsive units for fast passenger vessels

V. JOST, Directeur Commercial, MTU-Friedrichshafeen
G. HAUSSMANN, Ingénieur en Chef Projets Marines, MTU-Friedrichshafen
M. GORCE, Ingénieur en Chef Projets Marines, SEMT-Pielstick, Saint-Nazaire


The passengers vessels are sailing faster and faster and consequently require more and more efficient propulsive units.

As these ships are so much sensitive to their displacement increase that their speed is high. the naval architects have to be very careful about the weight and the main characteristics of all the equipment they intend to select, starting from the project study stage.

The aim of this lecture is to demonstrate the influence of the main characteristics of a propulsive unit upon the performances and the operating costs of such a ship.

For two different vessels, three kinds of machineries have been considered :

-high performances diesel engines -standard diesel engines

-gas turbines.

The study of these three alternatives shows that the weight is the most important parameter upon the ship performances.

Anyhow other parameters such as the specific fuel consumption or the maintenance cost can have a big influence upon the operating balance of the ship leading 10 consider that high performances engines or even standard diesel engines may have an interest more or less important depending of the size and the speed of the ship 10 be considered.

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