Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2191 - Year : 1992

Operational criteria for high speed craft summary

L. De MARTINI, Responsable technique du Projet S.E.S.
L. M. MARTINI, Département Commercial et Marketing
FINCANTIER, Cantieri Navali ltaliani, S.p.A. Division des Navires Militaires, Gênes


FINCANTIERI has been developing these last years a few projects capable of ensuring a higher speed and better comfort to car and passenger transportation the most interesting European tourist routes.

During the design and model-testing activity, it turned out that a matter of paramount importance was to verify whether fast ferries can be a sufficient and competitive alternative from the time and price point of view. The service speed, operational and cost analyses are determining factors for a correct evaluation and assessment.

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