Numéro : 2187 - Year : 1992
Evaluation tests of the performances of the AGNES 200 surface effect ship
S. SKORUPKA, DCN Bassin d'Essais des Carènes (DGA)
D. LE COZ, DCN Bassin d'Essais des Carènes (DGA)
P. PERDON, DCN Bassin d'Essais des Carènes, Assistance Technique ac b
DGA Délégation Général pour l'Armement
DCN Direction des Constructions Navales
In the development of the French concept of Surface Effect Ships (S. E.S.), the launching of AGNES 200 in July 1990 is the new important step following the sea trials of the S.E.S manned model called "MOLENES" operated by DCN BASSIN D'ESSAIS DES CARENES. AGNES 200 is a 250t ship being both an operational unit and an evaluation platform. After having described the aims of the ship evaluation and the devices used to achieve it, the history of the tuning of AGNES 200 is reported. First results are presented. A special attention is paid to manoeuvrability, seakeeping and helicopter operations.
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