Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2182 - Year : 1992

A method for evaluating residual stresses and distortions in welded assemblies constituted by steel plates of medium thicknesses

T.T. CHAU, Ingénieur, Institut de Recherches de la Construction Navale (IRCN)
J.-C. MASSON, Directeur des Services Techniques, Institut de Recherches de la Construction Navale (IRCN)


The present paper describes a new method for evaluating distortions and residual stresses induced in structural assemblies by arc welding process under thermomechanical and thermometallurgical effects.

This simple and rapid method is based on taking into account of the relative contraction of melt weld metal between two states at the ends of heating and cooling phases.

A thermo mechanical model so being built up can be treated by the conventional finite element method.

Several numerical two-dimensional examples have been presented and the corresponding results can be compared to existing experimental results.

The method presented for predicting the effects of arc welding process could also be used for laser beam weldings.

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