Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2118 - Year : 1990

Study of the oceanic mine hunter trial section (Bâtiment Antinmines Océaniques –BAMO) - Correlation between measures and calculations

A. GUELLEC, Service Technique des Constructions et Armes Navales
Y. MAVRAKAKIS, Institut de Recherches de la Construction Navale
A. PARADIS, Institut de Recherches de la Construction Navale
G.BADAUD, Institut de Recherches de la Construction Navale


Vessels' structures in composite materials in the maritime field arc undergoing an important development.

In this context, the military vessel designers are a driving force.

The association of composite materials and the Catamaran form is one of the directions being followed by Naval Dock yards to build ships of the New generation.

Within the frame of the 13AMO programme, in order to know better the behaviour of this type of structure, a trial section to scale 1, has been constructed by the DCAN at Lorient and put for a while at the disposal of STCAN.

STCAN and II{CN, in close cooperation, have been able to realize on this structure a series of satieties in way of displacement and de formation measurements.

At the same time, calculations have been carried out at IRCN using a finite element model of the section (TRE)

This communication describes both the methods and tools us ed to carry out measurements and calculations and shows how the results correlate.

The outcome constitutes a real encouragement to follow up such studies.

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