Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2105 - Year : 1989

Performed researches by the French shipbuilding in advance robotic applied to large ship hull welding

B. VIEILLARD. BARON, Directeur Général de l'Institut de Recherches de la Construction Navale .


The French shipyards have always been in the forefront in the conception and

operation of highly automated production systems.

The institut de Recherches de la Construction Navale at the request of the majn civilian shipyards, and with the support of the Public Authorities, has launched a major research programme the purpose of which is to study the technical feasibility and the economic merit of robotized welding facilities specially designed for the execution of hull welds which were so far hand-made.

The first phase of this programme consisted in devising an experimental pilot facility whose detailed design and construction were entrusted to a consortium of suppliers formed by Ateliers and Chantiers du Havre (SNACH-Engineering), Compagnie Générale d'Automatisme (CGA-HBS, Robotics Department) and Société Cybernetix. This paper details the concepts on which the general design of the system is based, indicates the various stages of construction of the system and specifics its main characteristics. As a conclusion, it presents the developments that would be worth achieving in the future, recommending concerted actions between civilian shipyards and naval dock yards on the one hand, and among European Shipbuilders on the other hand.

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