Numéro : 2100 - Year : 1989
Sailing crafts optimized polar speed diagrams simple analytical model and applications
J. L COATANHAY, Docteur 3eme cycle
B.COATANHAY, Ingénieur,
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Ingénieurs des Etudes Techniques d'Armement , Brest .
A sailing craft can be modelized by associating 2 profiles moving respectively in air and water considered as 2 media in relative motion.
These profiles being characterized on by their fineness and area we get an analytical modelization With 4 parameters from which are notably deduced adjustment conditions of the are in order to get a maximum maximorum of the craft speed at a given trim.
A speed vectors diagram in the horizontal plane has been drawn up for thre model being runned in a graphic way. It can be used for analysing polar speed diagrame of any sailing craft and may also be a very useful tool for evaluating speed sailing crafts pre-projects.
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