Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2099 - Year : 1989

Impact tests on water plan, application to hydrofoils and torpedos

F. DUPRIEZ, Ingénieurs, Groupe Mécanique des Structures, IMFL/ONERA .
J. L PETITNIOT, Ingénieurs, Groupe Mécanique des Structures, IMFL/ONERA .


The knowledge of hydrodynamic pressures due to water impacts is necessary to design ship hulls and air-sea torpedoes.

This is particularly required for :

-hydropters, flying at air-water interface for which structures have to absorb the effects of numerous impacts induced by waves cut off and conventional or accidental ditchings,

-air-sea torpedoes for which impact at water entry may domage their heads .

After a recall on similarity rules, experimental analysis on reduced scale model support is exposed with more particularly the research of a scheme of the pressure wave and laws for its development with respect to impact speed and the computation with implicit method, of the stresses induced inside the structure.

The domains of validity and application of the experimental data are examined within the conclusion.

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