Numéro : 2093 - Year : 1989
Calculation of floating cylindrical structures
Ph. RIGO, Ingénieur Civil, Docteur ès Sciences, Assistant, Laboratoires d'Hydrodynamique, d 'Hydraulique Appliquée , de Constructions Hydrauliques et Navales, Université de Liège, Belgique .
In shipbuilding most of the the long vessels have a cylindrical shape in their central structure (crafts, barges, oil tankers, tanker boats, ...).
The most interesting aspect concerning these strucutres, is the computation of stresses and displacements. Consequently, our objective was to deveIop a tall, which allows the computation of such structures, reducing to the greatest extent the simplifications and approximations as far as the structure geometry, the loading and the interdependance of the different constituting elements (sheathings, stiffeners, deck beams, web frames, stringers, "' ) are concerned
Our aim is to specify a method related to prismatic stiffened structures. We define a prismatic structure as an assembly of plates and shells, rigidity binded along their common edges.
The orthotropic prismatic structures have geometrical particularities which make their calculation difficult, especially when the elements, which compose them, are stiffened (fig, 1 and 2). In order to determine their behaviour, we present the stiffened sheathing software IBR-3 as well as the developments specific to the shipbuilding.
It is by means of a tanker-boat computation that the software L.B.R.-3 proves its utility and efficiency giving stresses and displacements at every point of the structure,
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