Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2070 - Year : 1988

Theoretical and experimental investigations on wave resistance of models of similar geometry

G.LAURO, Ingenieur
M. MANDARINO, Professore Associato
S. MIRANDA, Ricercatore,
G. RUSSO KRAUSS, Professor Ordinario Dipartimento di Ingegneria Navale,Universita di Napoli, Italia.


A brief analysis of the theoretical principles of the longitudinal cut method is presented and a different method for the experimental determination of the wave resistance is outlined.

The experimental methodology used in the towing tank of Naples' University is described and the wave resistance values obtained with geosims are presented and compared with the values of the residuary resistance. The sum of the resistance components derived from this method and from wake transverse measurements are compared with the total resistance as measured directly.

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