Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2056 - Year : 1988

Unsteady hydrodynamic characteristics for a surface effect ship sidewall

M. GUILBAUD, Maître de conférences à l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d ' Aérotechnique, Poitiers


We have studied an experimental apparatus to determine the coefficients of' motion equations in a vertical plane for a floating body in a free surface with forward speed. The motion generator forces the body to oscillate harmonically in heaving or pitching motions or in a combination of both motions. The setup is used with the free surface test section (area O,23xO,23 m2) of a hydrodynamic tunnel.

A 3 component dynamometer measures the unsteady forces and moments for oscillations in water or in air. By substracting forces in air from forces in water, we obtain the hydrodynamic coefficients; added mass and damping coefficients may then be calculated. We present here the first results obtained, on a cylinder without mean forward speed in heaving motion and for a surface ship effect sidewall in heaving or in pitching motion with forward speed.

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