Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2038 - Year : 1987

A numerical study of the gable load during rolling up on a winding-drum

M.DARMON, Ingénieur Général de l'Armement, ( G M )
C. MONNOT, F. LORMIER Ingénieurs contractuels. MSN/DL -Service Technique des Constructions Navales, (STCAN )


This paper first presents the results of a numerical simulation of a cable load during rolling up on a single layer winding-drum. This program allows to compute the cab12 load decreasing during rolling up. Friction loads, cable and drum elastic strains due to their respective interaction are taken into account during computation. The possible sliding between cable and drum is also taken into account. A simple simulation of cable rolling-up on a m1Jlti-Jayers drum is also presented. It allows to compute the loads induced by the cable layers on the drum. The cable load variation of the top layer during rolling up on under layers needs to be studied.

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