Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2021 - Year : 1987

Diesel electric propulsion: the right solution for passenger ships

R.COURTAV, Ingénieur au Service Projets, Divis ion Constructions Navales, d'ALSTHOM -CHANTIERS DE L'ATLANTIQUE
A.VIARD, Ingénieur responsable, Groupe IMM de CGEE ALSTHOM DEI


Passengers ships have specific requirements due to their two functions :

-to transport passengers

-to be floating hotels

Diesel electric propulsion has characteristics which fulfil requirements better than classical propulsion plants would.

A detailed comparison of this propulsion plant, such as proposed by ALSTHOM, and classical plants shows the advantages brought in all fields. Among such advantages : simplicity, comfort, reliability and fuel economy.

Accent is put on the type of propeller, on crash-stop performances, on global fuel consumption of the unique energy production plant which produces energy for :


-electric production

-heat production

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