Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

Numéro : 2014 - Year : 1986

Statistical researches of ship plates deformations

T.JASTRZEBSKI, Adjoint au Chef du Département,
M. KMIECIK, Professeur, Département de Construction et Mécanique, Institut Naval de l'Université Technique de SZCZECIN


This paper resumes the statement of the problems already approached in the author's paper’s read at the 1984 ATMA Session, Bulletin n° 84 pages 527- 540, in which it was announced that the result of statistical research were being prepared,

The present paper shows the results of studies dealing with the shape of about one thousand ship plates Maximum de1-1ections as well as warping components were the subject of a statistical analysis, For these are the most important parameters as far as plate strength is concerned. The research showed that a different approach was necessary according as whether square or' rectangular plates a reconsidered , the effects of straightening and stress relaxation on the plate shape parameters were also examined, New formulae for maximum deflections are proposed and the values or warping components are given, The results of research work can be usefu1ly employed in the calculations of construction ultimate loads as well as in the determination of rational criteria and tolerances in respect of ship plates.

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