Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

Numéro : 2011 - Year : 1986

Shape’s optimisation of a forebody in respect of the risk of cavitation

J.L .REBOUD, Ingénieur Civil des Ponts et Chaussées , Allocataire de Recherche, CNRS
A.ROWE, Ingénieur de Recherche CNRS au Centre de Recherche et d'Essais de Machines Hydrauliques de Grenoble (CREMHyG)


When the phenomenon of cavitations takes place in the flow around a solid body, it often has harmful effects on the flow itself and on the adjoining structures. This will account for our survey of the shape's optimisation of the forepart of t~lat body, with in mind the purpose of reducing the risk of the appearance of such a phenomenon. n essential factor of the creation of a cavity

all of pressure which occurs when the flow gathers speed in passing rolled the body. We are consequently searching what shape we have to give to the forebody ill order to minimize the maximum of that depression. This problem of optimal design will be formulated in a discrete representation and will require the singularity principle. The numerical model given by that study is based on the use of operational research. It enables the optimisation 01 forebodies in symmetric or dissymmetric cascc, taking or not taking into account a gravity effect. What is learned in respect 01 pressure is valuable, in comparison "'Ji 1rl the results Concerning such, a current shape as half an ellipsoid. We also notice, in comparison with the same forebody, the transfer downstream of the point of separation of the laminar boundary layer.

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