Numéro : 1997 - Year : 1985
Composite radomes
R.CARBONE J. Y. SIMON, Attachés aux services techniques des armées DCAN Toulon Sous Direction Aéronautique
It is often necessary to interpose a device between a radar antenna and the ambient medium. This so called radome device is the abbreviation of the words radar and dome. It is designed to avoid perturbations on the electromagnetic fields radiated by the antenna and to withstand thermal and mechanical forces induced by the medium. The electrical and mechanical properties of some composite materials allow their use for radomes fabrication.
This paper gives a sketch of works carried out on this field by the DCAN TOULON (Sous-Direction AERONAUTIQUE) which has designed and realised 2000 radomes for naval and aeronautical antennas including nose airborne radomes for MIRAGE III, FI and MIRACHE 2000.
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