Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

Numéro : 1987 - Year : 1985

Ship behaviour of a ship on longitudinal waves modelling, model sensitivity to some identification parameters

A. LE POURHIET, Ingénieur Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches de Toulouse
C. CHAMPETIER, Ingénieur Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches de Toulouse


A mathematical model is needed for simulation, with purpose of prediction or control law computation. The frequential approach using linear transfert functions is the most used in this way starting from pitch and waves measurements, frequential response curves are obtained, then a linear model is computed by using an appropria to minimisation algorithm. In this paper it is shown that the identified model stability depends on three parameters : the frequency bandwidth, the transfert function order, and the reference point for waves. The order is usually chosen according to the gain curve shape on the frequencies bandwidth ; some qualitative criterions for choosing the waves reference are pointed out here and allow to understand and avoid any unstability.

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