Numéro : 1967 - Year : 1984
Recherches des formes réelles des tôles d'un navire
T. JASTRZEBSKI, Adjoint au chef du Département
A. JAZUKIEWICZ, Ingénieur de recherche
M. KAMINSKI, Ingénieur de recherche
M. KMIECIK, professeur
M. KULIK, Ingénieur de recherche.
Département de Construction et de Mécanique des Navires de l’Institut Naval de l'Université Technique de Szczecin, Pologne
The fabrication deformations of ship plates, because of their stochastic nature, are to be investigated in a statistical way. This report deals with the methods and equipments for the initial plate deflection measurements, describing the special measuring devices, designed at Technical University of Szczecin and applied for systematic measurements. The real shape of deformed plates is approximated in the numerical way. The data of each measured plate comprising its
fabrication, design and deflection information are collected in "Data Bank",
The "Data Bank" can then be used for study the probalistic characteristics of ship pIate fabrication deflections.
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