Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2615 - Year : 2012

Dalida project (development and validation of tools for hydrodynamic signatures prediction°

Olivier PERELMAN, DGA Techniques Hydrodynamiques.
Romain MACÉ, DGA Techniques Hydrodynamiques.
Jean Baptiste DEUFF, DGA Techniques Hydrodynamiques.


DALIDA (Development and Validation of Tools for the Prediction of hydrodynamics Signatures) is an European research project of Defence, under a cooperation between DGA Hydrodynamics and the Italian establishment CNR-INSEAN, both managed by the EDA (European Defence Agency). The goal of this project is the development and the improvement of numerical and experimental tools capable of assessing the contribution of hydrodynamic features to the ship signatures.

The workpackages are focussed on three aspects of development:

- sea trials

- tests in dedicated towing or tunnel tank;

- numerical simulations.

The propulsive performances are evaluated in cavitation tunnel available at DGA Hydrodyamics. The measurement of free surface elevation and velocity field around the hull and in wake have been performed in the towing tank “Emile Barillon” of DGA Hydrodynamics with the measurement set-up of INSEAN. The knowledge of velocity field around ship hull is important regarding risks assessment on non acoustics signatures.

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