Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 1908 - Year : 1982

Fast calculation method of the loads due to wave diffraction-radiation on the totally submerged structures

P.GUEVEL, Professeur
G.DELHOMMEAU, Ingénieur-Docteur
J. C. DAURISSE, Maître -Assistant Laboratoire d' Hydrodynamique Navale -ENSM -Nantes
J. ROUGIS, Ingénieur-Docteur Principia Recherche Developpement


The linear problem of diffraction-radiation has already being solved. However, the computation cost are high when the structure is complicated, especially in finite water depth.

We propose here a method allowing to decrease considerably the commutation time when the structure is deeply submerged.

In this method, the Rankine potential is calculated by Rankine singularities located on the hull, the wave potential being generated by a multipole series located at a point deeply submerged. The multipole strengths are obtained by approaching at the least square sense the Rankine potential on a given surface entirely submerged surroundin9 the body.

The Rankine potential and the wave potential are not independent, therefore we use an iterative process to obtain the solutions.

The results and the computation time are compared to those of classical diffraction-radiation program.

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