Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 1905 - Year : 1982

Use of CAO techniques for rapid and accurate cost establishment of ship projects J. MARCHAL, USE OF CAO TECHNIQUES FOR RAPID ANO ACCURATE COST ESTABLISHMENT OF SHIP PROJECTS
P. FRANCOIS, Ingénieur Naval, Directeur à la S.A. CHANIC Bruxelles Agrégé de l'enseignement supérieur
Ir. S. RODRIGUEZ, Chef de Travaux
G.STROOBANT, Licencié en sciences Physiques, Informaticien Société Chanic, Bruxelles
R.MATHIEU, Ingénieur Industriel, Informaticien Laboratoire d' Hydraulique et de Constructions Hydrauliques Département «Constructions Navales et Offshore » Université de LIEGE


The program described here has been designed by University of Liège and CHANIC S.A., to help little and medium shipyards, by the use of CAO techniques to establish rapid and accurate cost estimation of ships projects, and to bring modifications in the projects, for tender's elaboration.

The program needs only a mini computer and a graphic output on a plotter.

The program designed to be interactive allows :

-to obtain by direct evaluation higher accuracy in cost evaluation

-to keep as low as possible the number of numerical data to be given by the designer to describe the project.

-to bring modifications in the project , the internal cohesion of the project being maintained by the program

the program is composed of modules :

-Interactive design of the ship's hull

-Hydrostatic calculations

-Power evaluation

-Generation of a hull by Lackenby's method

-Evaluation of the weight of the metallic structure of the ship.

A language allows both topological and geometrical description of the metallic structure.

The topological description allows :

-to keep to minimum the number of numerical date to be given by the designer

-to maintain internal cohesion of the project when a modification is


-Circulation of surfaces revetments : painting, paving, etc..

-1'eculition of piping

-Equipment repartitions: of the equipment are proposed and distributed in the project according to the functions attributed to the different laces

by the designer modification can be brought to this repartition by the designer.

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