Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 1898 - Year : 1982

Steering in heavy weather

G.AERTSSEN, Professeur Emérite de l'Université de Gand


In a first stage the wind effect on steering is ascertained from wind tunnel tests carried out on models of various merchant ship types. The rudder angle is calculated for various wind forces and a correlation is made with measured data at sea. The drift angle is calculated. Shipping of water may be a problem in full-load condition, but at reduced draught difficulties arise in heavy weather because of slamming, accelerations and racing, and stability. Attention is focused on the problem of manoeuvring of the 9 ships in the broadest sense of the word, ship handling. A minimum draught is suggested for merchant ships ranging from 45 to 260 m in length.

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