Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

Numéro : 2012 - Année : 1986

Conversion d'un navire méthanier en stockeur vaporiseur.

C.GUYOT, Ingénieur au Département Etudes et Recherches , NORMED , La Ciotat


For various reasons, the natural gas is now user as fuel to replace the fuel oil or diesel-oil One of the main reasons for this replacement is that the natural gas generates no pollution.

The main problems to be solved for this utilization of the natural gas are the storage, the vaporization and of course the distribution.

The existing methane carriers which are not operated can help to solves problem in a simple and economical way.

This paper describes the conversion of a methane carrier into a tank-unit used for storage, vaporization and distribution of the methane ; it compares on the one hand, the various possible technical solutions and on the other hand, the relative merits of floating and land-based storage units, respectively.

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6,00 €

Expédition : 8 jours

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